Author: admin

  • ABC Adelaide: Termination of Pregnancy Amendment Bill

    ABC Adelaide: Termination of Pregnancy Amendment Bill

    Listen to the interview below: Ben Hood, Liberal MLC (ABC RADIO ADELAIDE 8.37-8.59) Liberal Party private member’s bill on late-term abortions  Feldhoff: Ben Hood is the Liberal MLC… good morning to you… Ben, what exactly are you proposing in your private member’s bill around late-term abortions?  Hood: Sonya, with this bill, what we are looking…

  • Labors GP Payroll Tax Grab

    Labors GP Payroll Tax Grab

    The last thing we need is to make it more expensive to see a doctor. But that is precisely what the Malinaukas Labor government is doing with their grubby GP payroll tax grab. Record ramping, regional nursing service withdrawals, and a lack of doctors are already seriously impacting our health system… and this broken promise…

  • Stop experimenting on our kids

    Stop experimenting on our kids

    The largest study into medical intervention for young people who identify as transgender ever conducted, the Cass Review, has now released its final report. It delivers a stark warning: there is no good evidence to support the practice of prescribing hormones to under 18s; the long-term impacts of such treatment are unknown; and that for…

  • The State Voice

    The State Voice

    Mr. President, I rise in support of the motion put forward by the Honourable member. In this chamber, our first and foremost duty is to do the right thing – a simple yet profound obligation. Part of that duty is to listen, truly listen, to the people we’ve sworn to serve – the people of…

  • Inquiry into CFS

    Inquiry into CFS

    In order to expedite an inquiry into the significant issues and concerns aired by our Country Fire Service volunteers and staff, I am agreeable to the Hon. Ms Franks’ amendment While it would have been more preferable for a committee without a government majority of members to inquire into this, it is better that an…

  • SA Child Protection in Crisis

    SA Child Protection in Crisis

    Thank you, Mr President, and thank you to our Shadow Assistant Minister for Child Protection for bringing this important motion to the Chamber It is hard to think of a more important duty for our State Government than providing safety, security and shelter for our most vulnerable, at-risk children I have had the great privilege…

  • Regional Road Safety

    Regional Road Safety

    I rise today, Mr President, to speak on the devastating and growing concern over regional road safety.  Today, the current road fatalities for 2023 sit at 59, fast approaching last year’s total of 71 deaths for the entire year. I am appalled by these statistics, and as a state, we must do better to protect…

  • Domestic voilence

    Domestic voilence

    I want to start my contribution today by introducing to the Chamber the remarkable and tragic story of Simone O’Brien’s domestic violence journey. Last week, I was fortunate enough to meet and hear from Simone at the “Say No to Domestic and Family Violence dinner” sponsored by the Combined Rotary Clubs of Mount Gambier. Simone’s…

  • In Home Hospice Care

    In Home Hospice Care

    My President, today I rise to speak about palliative care in our regions and of the vital work of the Mount Gambier In-Home Hospice Care Service. Mount Gambier In-Home Hospice Care was established in 2020 with funding from the South Australian Government Palliative Care Grants program and with support from the Mount Gambier Private Hospital…